Umfrage: 3D Printing. Next Exit: The Future

Umfrage: 3D Printing. Next Exit: The Future

Heute sind wir von Melanie Kern, von der Universität Hamburg angeschrieben worden. Melanie führt eine Umfrage zum Thema Open Source Hardwareentwicklung durch, und hat uns gebeten daran teilzunehmen. Die anonyme Online-Umfrage „3D Druck Communities“ im Rahmen ihrer Masterarbeit braucht noch weitere Unterstützung. Wir bitten euch deshalb, daran teilzunehmen, falls ihr schon einmal offene Hardwareprojekte in Angriff genommen habt.

Die Umfrage ist auf Englisch und benötigt 10Minuten eurer Zeit.

Hier die ursprügliche Beschreibung auf Englisch und der Link:

Open Source Hardware (OSH) development is a fascinating phenomenon that recently gained momentum. Given the potential of 3D printing and OSH to disrupt entire industries and revolutionize the way we design, produce, recycle, manufacture, distribute and commercialize physical products in the future, this is worth in-depth inquiry. To begin with, this survey, conducted at the Universities of Hamburg and Osnabrück, Germany, shall provide insight about 3D printing communities and their motivations and drivers. It shall also give developers the possibility to provide feedback on community services and to name key features that would help to improve their favorite platforms. The anonymous and aggregated data will be used for research at the Chair of Management and Digital Markets and be provided to platform managers. The survey will only take about 10 minutes. Your contribution is crucial to the project and is very much appreciated. Many thanks.

To participate, please follow the link: